Reasons Why Beetroot is Good for You

Have you ever wondered what beetroot can do for you? You’ve probably seen this purple vegetable in your local grocery but haven’t paid much attention to it. Also referred to as beets, beetroot comes with numerous health benefits that many of us are not really aware of. You can eat it as is, pickled, juiced, or cooked even, because its sweet flavor is quite delicious.
For those who are not yet aware of the wonderful benefits of beetroot, here’s what you need to know:

Comes with antioxidants

From the deep purplish color of beetroot, you can already guess that it is packing plenty of antioxidants already which are called betalains. Betalains have been found to improve your heart, blood, brain, as well as cell function. The antioxidants have been found to stop free radical damage which can help you have that youthful glow.

Regulates blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the culprits to heart disease which, when not taken care of as soon as possible, can lead to stroke and heart failure. Beets have been found to have higher concentration of nitrates which can reduce blood pressure and reducing your risk of stroke, heart attacks, and heart failure just to name a few.

Reduce cholesterol levels

Another benefit to eating beets is that it can help lower your cholesterol levels. Consuming a cup of beetroot can already provide you with 15% of your daily dietary fiber which is important in reducing your bad cholesterol levels. Keep in mind that both soluble as well as insoluble fiber are needed to combat high LDL cholesterol levels because the fiber binds fats to it before eliminating from the body.

Combat inflammation

Chronic inflammation is often linked to several health issues from obesity, to cancer, to heart disease. Fortunately, the betalains that are present in beets may help reduce the inflammation in your body. Studies have shown the effects of anti-inflammatory properties of this vegetable in rats, but further human studies are needed to determine its efficacy.

Improves eyesight

It appears that beets are also good for the eyes because of the vitamin A and beta-carotene found in it. These two nutrients are important to your eyes’ overall health. Eating beets will not only help improve your eyesight, but it can also help keep macular degeneration at bay. If you wish to prevent eye problems in the future, eating beets may help you out.

Enhance digestive health

Getting enough dietary fiber in your system is good for your digestive health in the long run which is why eating a cup of beetroot is highly recommended since it contains 3.4 grams of fiber already. Eating fiber-rich foods can promote better gut health and even add bulk to your stool for easy passing. Aside from improving your digestion, fiber can also contribute to lowering your risk from colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease.

Good source of vitamins and minerals

Eating beetroot actually provides you with a good dose of vitamins and minerals such as folate, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin B6, manganese, copper, phosphorus, and vitamin C. You can also get nitrates, antioxidants, as well as phytonutrients too. It’s no wonder why health conscious individuals are promoting this wonder vegetable to those who are looking a healthy alternative to their meals.
Who would have thought that this purple vegetable can pack a punch in terms of health benefits? It’s no wonder why many diet plans are incorporating this food to their list of ingredients because of all the nutritional benefits that it contains. If you want to improve your health, this may be a worthwhile ingredient to add to your meals.


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