What You Should Know About White discharges during pregnancy

What You Should Know About White discharges during pregnancy

What You Should Know About White discharges during pregnancy-Pregnancy is something that doesn’t happen to you like everyday; it’s just a stage that lasts only for couple of months till your miracle comes safely to our world. During this time your body undergoes many changes that will sound wired and weird changes in pregnancy don’t present dangerous possibilities in all cases, like white discharges for example. Yes, white discharges are something normal that happen to pregnant women for some reasons, so let’s find out more about it.

Keep on reading if you like to know more about white discharges during pregnancy. After checking out this article, don’t forget to share it on your social media sites to get everyone you care about also acquainted with some of the most important things they need to learn about white discharges during pregnancy.
White discharges happen due to the hormonal changes and the increased blood circulation in the vaginal area that occur during pregnancy time. The white discharges are known by the name, leucorrhea as well, they are secreted from the cervix and vagina. The white charges are the way in which your body gets rid of the excess fluids naturally, so like I said they are normal and there is nothing to worry about if you witness any Still worried? Ok, it’s normal as a pregnant woman who want to grantee the safety of her baby to worry about every little change and yes, sometimes these white discharges could be worrying, so paying good
attention to any changes will be a good step for your and your baby’s safety.

So, let me tell you more how to make sure that your white discharges are normal. The white discharges are sticky or thick discharges that have mild or no odor, so if you notice any change in the color or if you notice any change in the texture or odor, you should tell your doctor immediately.
Before you start worrying again, let me tell you about the normal changes that the white discharges will go though during the different pregnancy stages. In the first trimester and that would be from week 1 to 13, the white discharges will look thin and clear and as your pregnancy progress you will notice that they are becoming thicker and they will be looking more creamy.

In the second trimester which will be from week 14 to 26, the white discharges will be creamy or more like the first trimester, but pay good attention to talk to your doctor if you notice any accompanied heavy blood flow. Moving to the third trimester which starts from week 27 to 40, in this stage the white discharge will look more watery and thin and noticing any thick blood clots with small amounts in this stage would be normal.

At the last trimester, you will start to notice that the white discharges are looking more watery and that is because of your body is preparing for labor and the fluids is getting ready to find their way out and that is supposed to happen few days before delivery. Make sure to inform your doctor if you notice any watery discharges or water flowing before 37 week, because this could be a dangerous sign of leaking fluids and that may be due to rapture in the amniotic sac that protects your baby.
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