Physical Changes During Pregnancy

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

There are many physical changes that takes place during pregnancy . These physical changes that happen are caused by hormonal imbalances that are very normal during pregnancy. Once you get pregnant, you will experience the symptoms of morning sickness, nausea, and dizziness. Apart from these symptoms, we are going to explain the major physical changes that most pregnant women experience during pregnancy.

• Breast: The breasts are the first part of the body that is influenced by the female hormones. They grow in size and pain slightly when touched. Enlargement of breasts takes place for breastfeeding and after 14 weeks you also observe secretion of colostrum. They feel quite heavy and tender to touch. Women can experience puffiness in nipples and the skin around areolas become considerably dark.

• Swollen Body Parts: While the baby is growing, the abdomen become larger and puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys and liver. And this makes the organs to slow down with filtering waste and passing out urine and stools. So when the water isn’t extracted out, water retention is seen in the body especially in the areas like feet, ankles, and hands.

Most of swelling occurs near the legs because they carry the weight of the body. The climate and diet are two reasons that can cause swelling. Swelling is largely seen during summers because of water retention. In order to relieve the swelling, put your legs on pillows and avoid eating foods with much salt
Being a new parent brings new experiences like frequent diapers changes and waking up through the night several times for feeding the baby. Physical changes also occur like intense fatigue from breastfeeding the back pain that happens as result of being physically unprepared for carrying a baby for long periods. Back pain is a very common complaint for new mothers and fathers. Knowing the right way to hold your baby and following certain tips can reduce the pain and prevent any future back pain resulting from carrying your baby.

• Bloating: It is a common psychical change to look bloated after the first trimester. The expansion of the uterus to accommodate the growing baby is the reason behind the occurring of bloating. The minor health complications that happen during pregnancy like indigestion, gas, and constipation are main reasons of feeling bloated.

• Weight GainGaining weight during your gestation period is a normal change which you shouldn’t worry about it. The hormonal changes of your body cause a drastic transformation to your appetite. This natural transformation is something that you can’t change but what you can do is to eat healthy foods for improving your own and your baby’s health. Health drinks, dairy products, and prenatal vitamins are extremely nutritious that make you put on weight very quickly. Also stop doing exercises is another main factor that causes you to gain weight.

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