The Menopause Diet

The Menopause Diet is very essential in women to avoid unnecessary complications.  Menopause can simply be said to be a moment in a woman’s life where her monthly flow of blood (menstruation) ceases.

IThe Menopause  Diet

This is when there will be no longer the fertilization of ovarian eggs in the woman; as a result, a woman can never get pregnant again. Menopause occurs in women in their mid-forties and mid-fifties Full-blown meno-pause (also called change of life) is when the menstrual period ends, which normally occurs during middle age.

Meno-pause in some women has also been known to occur as early as their mid 30's especially if ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone in their bodies begins to decline.

Needless to say, a deficiency of hormones is going to have a significant impact on both physical and mental health. Diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and dietary supplements like zinc and selenium can reduce the symptoms of menopause.

Here are the Menopause diet solutions for hot flashes for women who are approaching or in menopause:

• Take food rich in vitamin D. You can get enough from exposure to sun for a few minutes each day. Take food rich in vitamin D and calcium. Foods rich in calcium include cheese sauce, milk, yogurt, fruits, wheat flour, cereals, spinach, turnip greens, soybeans, collards, potatoes, cowpeas. Vitamin D food sources: salmon, tuna fish, margarine, egg(1 a day), cheese, early morning sun exposure

• Consume calcium. The daily intake should be 800 to 1,500 mg. Good sources of calcium are dark green vegetables, low-fat dairy products, salmon and legumes.

• Limit caffeine intake. Tea, coffee, alcohol, spicy foods and caffeinated beverages can have an effect. High amounts of caffeine may aggravate hot flashes and weaken the bones.

.Eat food that is low in fat.  Eat lots of fish (sardines, finfish, and titus fish) and vegetables. Sea foods are good. Do not fry them, but boil them or roast them. If you don’t like the boiling aspect. Add fresh onions and fresh tomatoes to taste good.

• Eat a diet rich in phytoestrogens. Examples are tofu, nuts, seeds and flaxseeds to protect your heart. Even though soy protein contains phytoestrogens, which help balance your hormones, soy also has other phytochemicals called phytates that can block the absorption of necessary nutrients such as zinc and iodine, so use it wisely.

• Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk of osteoporosis, hip fracture and also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.


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