Reasons why exercise is good for your body.
Reasons why exercise is
good for your body-If you notice the influx of weight loss pills, fitness
magazines and exercise equipment. You’ll
notice the worldwide obsession with weight loss. While wanting to achieve your
ideal weight is all unicorns and rainbows, when you start to focus too much on
the number and time spent exercising then that could turn dangerous. People
that solely focus on the calorie count and the energy burned tend to lose focus
on weight loss a lot faster. There is a huge difference with a healthy
lifestyle and eating healthy for the time being.
eating healthy and maintaining a balanced diet is important. The other
important thing when it comes to weight and health maintenance is to have a
consistent exercise regimen. Exercising consistently isn’t just so you could
burn off that slice of pizza or so you could get that buns steel. Exercising is
much more than that, we will discuss below the other reasons why exercising is
the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
has been a sudden rise in cases of type 2 diabetes worldwide. It has suddenly
become a crisis and is greatly affecting our youth. Even if you are not
personally affected by this disease you should know about the risk you face of
diabetes. Thecomplications from type 2 diabetes can pose serious and life
threatening effects on the body. By exercising regularly, you reduce the risk of getting diabetes. When you exercise your body is able to metabolize glucose better, the better you metabolize glucose the lesser chances of getting the disease. This also works for people with adult onset diabetes, working out will help keep your glucose level low.
threatening effects on the body. By exercising regularly, you reduce the risk of getting diabetes. When you exercise your body is able to metabolize glucose better, the better you metabolize glucose the lesser chances of getting the disease. This also works for people with adult onset diabetes, working out will help keep your glucose level low.
Blood Pressure
is a form of heart disease cause by increased plaque in your arteries. This
plaque is caused by a high fat diet. Exercising regularly will reduce your blood
pressure and reduce the plaque in your arteries. As your arteries start to
loosen up the more freely your blood flows, making your blood
pressure drop significantly. Chances of hypertension also decreases, since the heart is a muscle. Exercise will make it stronger and keep it pumping. The stronger your heart muscle becomes the better it is in pumping blood in your arteries, which will reduce blood pressure.
pressure drop significantly. Chances of hypertension also decreases, since the heart is a muscle. Exercise will make it stronger and keep it pumping. The stronger your heart muscle becomes the better it is in pumping blood in your arteries, which will reduce blood pressure.
ability is your body’s capacity to work at optimum level by getting oxygen from
the air to your tissues. People tend to lose their aerobics ability, as you
age. You lose about a percent of your aerobic ability every year. That’s why
the older you get, the more huffing and puffing you do when you walk up the
stairs. You can cut this loss by half by exercising. This will build up your
aerobic ability and keep your lung capacity high.
Immune Function
immune system protects you from toxins and infection. It is responsible for
maintaining a healthy body. Our immune system slowly declines as we age, but
with the help of regular exercise you can cut down the decline. Exercising can
also help reverse
some of the effects of aging.
some of the effects of aging.
Body Fat
body mass index measures your overall metabolic being. This is where you learn
if you are obese, over weight, underweight and normal weight. Learning your BMI
will help you determine the right exercise actions you should take. The more
you exercise the more body fat you burn. The body fat you burn the better your
metabolic rate becomes.
we age, we lose bone mineral strength, making you more prone to bone loss and
damage. Exercise can prevent that. Resistance training can help increase your
bone strength. Lifting weights a few times a week can keep you from feeling
joint pains when you age. Another way to prevent bone loss is by packing on the
calcium while you’re still young. Now you know about the different reasons to
exercise. We hope that this gives you the motivation to break a sweat. Besides
the reasons listed above, there are so much more reasons why to exercise. There
is little to no negative effect when it comes to exercise. It’s the cheapest
way you can ensure you remain healthy and happy.
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