Malaria: How to Prevent Malaria

Malaria: How to Prevent Malaria

Malaria: How to Prevent Malaria

Malaria: How to Prevent Malaria -Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that affects humans and other animals caused by parasitic protozoans belonging to the Plasmodium type.  Malaria commonly transmitted by an infected female Anopheles mosquito. The mosquito bite introduces the parasites from the mosquito's saliva into a person's blood, the parasites travel to the liver where they mature and reproduce. Malaria malaria symptoms are tiredness, vomiting, headach etc.

Malaria is a major public health concern  because hundreds of thousands of people still die from it every year, with pregnant women, children under 5 years of age and those living with HIV/AIDs being the most affected groups. In addition, malaria in pregnancy contributes to pregnant women developing complications like miscarriage, stillbirth, giving birth prematurely, anaemia in the woman (her blood drops to a dangerously low level

How to Prevent Malaria

1 Spray Your Resident With Effective Insecticide

Once you spray effective insecticide  inside your houses, on the walls and other places that can serve as a resting  or breeding place for mosquitoes carrying the malaria-causing parasite. The carrier of the vector that breeds around your environment will die, thereby reducing the presence of mosquito.
Once sprayed, mosquitoes that rest on the sprayed surfaces will die.

2. Proper Use of Insecticide-Treated Nets

Insecticide-treated nets, when used correctly, prevents the mosquito carrying the malaria-causing parasite from coming in contact with your body. Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets are distributed  to pregnant women and new nursing mothers in many health centres across the globe

3 Assess Malaria Risks When You Travel.

 Get an antimalarial when necessary, some  people  get infected with malaria during a trip. Whenever you are visiting an area with a high risk of contracting malaria, you need get some preventative medications before traveling. While others can be taken on arrival. Please consult a doctor about preventative medications before visiting a high mosquito risk area.

4. Go For Long Sleeves

In order not to get infected, avoid wearing short clothing in the evening and at night. Wearing long sleeve shirts and trousers reduces the area of skin exposed. Travellers to mosquito-prone areas are expected to be very careful of what they wear in order to reduce the risk of being infected.

5. Proper Treatment Of Malaria

Preventing contact with mosquitoes carrying the malaria-causing parasite is the best way to tackle malaria, effective treatment is very important for those who get bitten by these mosquitoes and come down with malaria. Many people stop taking their anti-malarial medication once the symptoms disappear because they feel they have recovered and there is no need to complete the drugs. This is wrong and dangerous because it can lead to drug resistance.

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Note!!! Health is wealth.


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